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Find out how our Privacy, InfoSec and Compliance solutions can help you boost trust, reduce risks and drive revenue.

  • 100% success in ISO 27001 audits to date 
  • 40% total cost of ownership (TCO) reduction
  • A scalable easy-to-use web-based platform
  • Actionable business advice from in-house experts

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Get to know DataGuard

Simplify compliance

  • External data protection officer
  • Audit of your privacy status-quo
  • Ongoing GDPR support from a industry experts
  • Automate repetitive privacy tasks
  • Priority support during breaches and emergencies
  • Get a defensible GDPR position - fast!

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Get to know DataGuard

Simplify compliance

  • Continuous support on your journey towards the certifications on ISO 27001 and TISAX®️, as well as NIS2 Compliance.
  • Benefit from 1:1 consulting
  • Set up an easy-to-use ISMS with our Info-Sec platform
  • Automatically generate mandatory policies

100% success in ISO 27001 audits to date



TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. DataGuard is not affiliated with the ENX Association. We provide consultation and support for the assessment on TISAX® only. The ENX Association does not take any responsibility for any content shown on DataGuard's website.

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Get to know DataGuard

Simplify compliance

  • Proactive support
  • Create essential documents and policies
  • Staff compliance training
  • Advice from industry experts

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Get to know DataGuard

Simplify compliance

  • Comply with the EU Whistleblowing Directive
  • Centralised digital whistleblowing system
  • Fast implementation
  • Guidance from compliance experts
  • Transparent reporting

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Let's talk

Heiko Jäger, Managing Director and Co-Founder, Parconomy GmbH

Parconomy Success Story

“Parconomy’s solution is aimed primarily at parking garage operators and mobility providers – both municipal and commercial. Data privacy is a top priority for these target groups – and that's a good thing. What's even better is that we can meet all requirements very efficiently with the help of DataGuard.”

Parconomy GmbH_Heiko Jäger

Heiko Jäger, Parconomy GmbH

Before DataGuard

  • As a spin-off of EnBW, Parconomy benefited from the group's data privacy expertise until it was split from the main company.
  • There was an internal data protection officer with a specialist department.
  • Parconomy needed its own solution after it became a separate legal entity.

With DataGuard

  • Comprehensive data privacy audit within just 10 days.
  • Efficient implementation of a new privacy policy as well as technical and organisational measures (TOMs) in accordance with the GDPR.
  • Contracts with major customers, such as the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany.

Smart Cities need new mobility concepts and top-class data protection

Our cities ne smarter: more efficient and technologically advanced, greener and, above all, more environmentally friendly. These new urban spaces, Smart Cities, need innovative mobility concepts to make them a reality. Parconomy’s Open Parking System provides experts with tools for digitisation and networking in order to implement these mobility concepts.

The idea dates back to an EnBW initiative aimed at finding new business models for parking in 2018. The EnBW team developed an open, digital roaming platform for the parking market in Germany and Europe: the Open Parking System (OPS). In addition, car park operators, especially municipalities, can digitise access to parking spaces for users, offer non-cash billing options and connect other mobility services such as public transport, for example. Private sector players such as automobile manufacturers can also network their products with the OPS and take advantage of new business opportunities.

Privacy is one of the most important factors for the success of a start-up

This innovative idea led to the setup of Parconomy GmbH, a Stuttgart-based spin-off of the EnBW Group. “Our product has been on the market since the end of 2020,” says Mr Heiko Jäger, Co-Founder and one of three Managing Directors. It was clear from the outset that data privacy would be essential for success.

Privacy presents both opportunities and risks

“As a young company offering a unique new product, we face two major business risks. One, we don't bring in enough customers. Two, we fail due to data privacy gaps.”

In the event of a data breach, the biggest problem would be the loss of reputation, rather than the fines (which can be up to four percent of annual turnover.) “Our platform allows our customers to manage large volumes of sensitive personal data – names, home addresses, car registration numbers, bank account details, etc. Data privacy issues or breaches of the GDPR would destroy the trust of our direct customers and end users of our platform – and thus the foundations of our business,” says Mr Jäger.

A data privacy audit in just 10 days

Shortly after Parconomy was founded, the company started looking for a professional partner to fill the role of an external data protection officer, finally opting for DataGuard. “We weren't looking for the cheapest provider, but rather the one who would offer the most compelling overall service package, take great care of our data privacy needs, the most efficient in terms of time. After all, time is money. DataGuard offered all of that at a competitive price.”

Collaboration was lean and efficient from the outset. As Parconomy operated under the umbrella of EnBW until the spin-off, they were already well-positioned in terms of their privacy processes. The data privacy audit with DataGuard lasted just 10 days. “We only had to adapt our processes slightly following the audit. We also received a lot of impetus from DataGuard in matters that were new to us, such as compliant applicant management,” said Mr Jäger.

DataGuard’s platform as a central cooperation tool

Efforts were initially focused on the Technical and Organisational Measures (TOMs) and the Records of Processing Activities (RPAs), which were then directly incorporated into the company's contracts with customers. “It was very important for us to have DataGuard thoroughly re-examine what we were doing to secure ourselves technically and to prevent data privacy incidents to the greatest extent possible.”
DataGuard’s digital web platform has been particularly helpful for both the audit and efficient collaboration. “The platform’s checklists provide a very good overview of our status quo. It also provides access to the requisite documents, including our website’s privacy policy, our TOMs, RPAs, or commissioned data processing agreements (DPAs), which is extremely convenient.”

Parconomy meets the highest privacy compliance standards

Parconomy has proven that top-notch data protection ensures road safety and helps attract new customers. When still a part of EnBW, they began a collaboration with a Baden-Württemberg state organisation. After their successful spin-off, they wanted to renew the contract with this major customer.
“This meant that our company’s TOMs, RPAs, and our entire data privacy architecture, to a certain extent, would be scrutinised by the state data protection officer of Baden-Württemberg. There was no room for error. Supported by DataGuard, we had total confidence going into the process. Our great collaboration paid off - we successfully extended the contract.”

Fast and cooperative

“The collaboration with DataGuard is highly cooperative, from daily queries through to last minute and sometimes unconventional help with specific inquiries. In a nutshell: We are extremely satisfied and look forward to having DataGuard as our partner in the future.”

Helping hand: DataGuard Academy

Parconomy is now establishing itself as a future partner for the digitisation and networking of stationary traffic. Naturally, their employee count is growing. “As our team grew, we began to see more benefits from DataGuard’s service that we hadn't considered at the beginning of our collaboration.”

This is especially true for DataGuard Academy, which offers online training courses for employees. The new members of the Parconomy team are provided with a data privacy training and certified by DataGuard. “DataGuard Academy is structured in such a way that it communicates all the important information to our new employees,” says Mr Jäger. “It's great, it's fun and it takes a lot of work off our shoulders – even with follow-up training.”

Compliance and information security are now on the agenda

As a company offering exclusively cloud-based products, information security also plays a key role for Parconomy. After a positive experience during the data privacy audit, the company is toying with the idea of tackling the topic of information security with DataGuard and, if necessary, being certified in accordance with ISO 27001 or TISAX®. They are already in a good place, as impeccable data privacy is a prerequisite for such certifications. “DataGuard’s overall approach has shown us that by working together we could save a lot of time and have clear, meticulously documented processes and measures. That's what matters.”

TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. DataGuard is not affiliated with the ENX Association. We provide consultation and support for the assessment on TISAX® only. The ENX Association does not take any responsibility for any content shown on DataGuard's website.

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Our approach is designed to be an all-in-one solution for all your privacy and information security needs. We deeply understand the challenges of your industry and can speak to you in a language you understand.

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